• 10 good reasons to buy this theme

    1- Visual composer theme

    Use this mobile app wp theme to build a site for your app or for any business. Building a site has never been easier, use the Templatic QuickEdit platform to build a great looking business website in almost no time.

    2- Use for mobile apps, businesses or personal websites

    Use this WordPress business theme for mobile apps or for businesses such as plumbers, electricians, beauty salons, hair dressers, lawyer firms, dentists, travel agencies or estate agents. In fact this theme can be used for any type of business you can throw at it.

    You can also use MyApp as a great presentation or portfolio type of theme. As well as being a mobile apps template, there is no reason why you couldn’t use it to promote your work online. With many flexible blocks which you can easily change, you can shape the site exactly how you want it to look.

  • Helping you focus on your app

    An ideal mobile apps WordPress theme for quickly creating a website to promote your app online. The modern and elegant MyApp uses our page builder QuickEdit system to help you get the theme to look how you like it by simply editing the sample text and images with your own.

    MyApp comes with the cool visual composer for arranging the site sections or ‘ blocks ’ as the theme calls them. Creating a website for your mobile app has never been easier than with QuickEdit.

    Easily change the colors, fonts and images on your website and see the changes in real-time. MyApp helps you see exactly how your site will look before you even install it on your own domain.

    Use the visual composer to quickly select the sample text and enter your own. You can do the same with images by simply clicking on an image. This will open the image browser to let you find an image on your hard disk to upload.

    As you enter the content for your site, you might find that you don’t need all the default sample blocks. You might also find that you need more blocks to add extra content. That’s not a problem as the system allows you to either add, copy or remove blocks.

    To add a new block, simply choose it from the top of the site’ s ‘ blocks ’. All you have to do now is drag and drop the block to where you want it on the homepage. Removing a block couldn’t be made easier, each has the delete button in its top right corner.

  • Visual composer business theme

    Create an amazing website to promote your mobile app online with Templatic’s MyApp visual composer theme. The responsive MyApp uses our point & click editor system to enable you to build your site in very little time.

    MyApp has been designed to give you total freedom with the various tools in its visual composer. Quickly change colors, fonts, images and of course text. See the changes you make as you work on your new site.

    Once you are happy with the results, purchase an MyApp license and export the theme. Once you’sve done that, import and activate the theme on your website and that’ss all there is to it.

    Change the fonts by using the ‘Typography’ drop-down. As you build your site with our the theme’s visual composer, seeing how the site will look with a particular font in real-time.

  • K-Keyboard

    ក្តារចុចខ្មែរចំណាត់ថ្នាក់លេខ១ នៃប្រភេទកម្មវិធីជំនួសប្រព័ន្ឋប្រតិបត្តិការ iOS ក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា

    កម្មវិធីក្តារចុចខ្មែរ K-Keyboard ជាកម្មវិធីបន្ថែមលើប្រព័ន្ឋប្រតិបត្តិការ iOS របស់ក្រុមហ៊ុន Apple ដែលបានរចនាគ្រាប់ចុចម៉ូតអក្សរយ៉ាងស្អាត និងដំំណើរការលឿនដូចក្តារចុចរបស់ប្រព័ន្ឋ iOS អញ្ចឹងដែរ។ មិនពិបាកក្នុងការតំលើងទេ គឺលោកអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ iPhone ឬ iPad គ្រាន់តែដោនឡូត៍យកពីក្នុង App Store រួចហើយបើកកម្មវិធី K-Keyboard អនុវត្តិតាមការណែនាំដែលមាននៅក្នុងកម្មវិធីរួចជាស្រេច។

    • គ្រាប់ចុច និងម៉ូតអក្សរស្អាត ហើយដំណើរការលឿនដូចក្តារចុច System
    • បង្ហាញចេញតួអក្សរដែលបានចុចធំៗ ងាយស្រួលមើល និងអោយដឹងថា តួអក្សរ​មួយណាដែលត្រូវបានចុច
    • មានគ្រប់តួរអក្សរខ្មែរ

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  • Nam rutrum pellentesque euismod

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

    Donec diam velit, tempor a sem ac, egestas porta turpis. Proin eu pretium dolor, sit amet vehicula orci. Cras sed volutpat est, a auctor lorem. Aliquam porta, dui feugiat varius luctus, ex augue molestie eros, quis fringilla urna sapien sagittis purus. Etiam vel condimentum lorem. Fusce risus urna, auctor in placerat vel, faucibus at metus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam mattis sollicitudin augue.

    Nam rutrum pellentesque ex ac euismod. Aenean pretium magna id turpis tincidunt interdum. Vestibulum vel tellus in sem sodales euismod. Fusce consequat auctor ipsum, ut dignissim orci fermentum at. Pellentesque semper, enim in mollis auctor, felis ante molestie justo, in dapibus massa nulla eget nunc. Ut quis enim sit amet tellus scelerisque laoreet eget id nisi. Phasellus eu dui erat. Vivamus blandit nulla sit amet augue convallis mollis.

    Fusce id fringilla augue

    Curabitur convallis consequat massa. Sed vel mollis justo. Sed gravida luctus nulla. Donec tempus risus vel urna interdum maximus. Maecenas eget luctus nulla. Mauris mauris tellus, pulvinar quis est et, porta finibus tellus.

    Nunc auctor et dui at convallis. Morbi faucibus quam eu suscipit volutpat. Fusce semper facilisis nunc elementum tristique. Aliquam sodales nunc in dolor pulvinar, aliquet suscipit lectus mattis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In lectus lacus, interdum non tincidunt vitae, pretium ut nunc. Vivamus mauris enim, malesuada at dictum sed, rutrum et nisl. Sed gravida risus quam, luctus sollicitudin urna aliquet sed. Phasellus sodales elit nec nibh facilisis, a pretium sapien posuere. Praesent lobortis eros id sapien consequat, a volutpat nisl porta. Sed sed erat lorem. Cras venenatis bibendum libero vel aliquam. In erat orci, finibus id velit nec, molestie cursus nibh.

    Integer pulvinar lacus eget elementum tincidunt. Cras lobortis interdum elit. Curabitur quis nulla sed ligula efficitur pretium. Sed vulputate dui cursus dictum posuere. Duis tempus magna ut facilisis rutrum. Duis efficitur tincidunt efficitur. Vestibulum pellentesque nibh nunc, egestas consequat mi pharetra vitae. Nullam eget blandit ex. Vivamus consectetur metus sem, a euismod justo euismod at.